Head OF Client Risk (Ref. No.: KL100282-0002)

Nabídka pracovní pozice od 3. 9. 2024 není aktivní.

Hledaná pozice

Risk Manager

Místo práce: Praha

Druh pracovního poměru: full-time

Termín nástupu: August most probably September

Náplň práce, pravomoci a zodpovědnosti

The Head of Client Risk reports to the Director of Client Risk, Finance, Collecting and Legal. She/he is managing risk prevention, owns the Risk policy, implemented through IT systems and operational processes, controls its application, follows and is accountable for results. Purpose of Risk policy is to maximize business volumes while delivering agreed risk levels/ratios, at all stages of customer lifecycle (client acquisition, existing client financing,up-selling and cross-selling).


  • You will be responsible for defining Credit risk strategy in the company in order to maximize the volume with optimal risk ratio level
  • You will be responsible to constantly analyze and optimize risk rules and update the process book for all products regularly
  • You will be responsible for creditworthiness assessment risk rules for all products
  • You will closely cooperate with Marketing, Sales and Compliance Risk to assess the impact in terms of risk of the planned commercial actions or already taken
  • With your team you will prepare risk studies (acceptance rate vs cost of risk impact)
  • You will set risk targets and most important risk KPIs and provide monthly and ad hoc analyses of its deviation
  • You will manage team of 6 people, manage their capacities, abilities and develop their technical skills and competencies, promote effective collaboration within the team and with other departments
  • You will be reporting to local Client Risk Director, to the Group Client Risk department and to local Risk Management Committee, presenting monthly results analyses and proposing risk rules changes


  • Extensive experience in Credit Risk from financial institution, senior managerial position
  • Advanced knowledge in Cost of Risk and other risk indicators, technical knowledge of the risk studies and operational risk
  • Very good knowledge in SAS and MS Office
  • Building and use of scorecards, statistical models, generational forecast of cost of risk
  • Very good analytical thinking and ability to clearly present results
  • Results-driven ambitious personality with personnel integrity and ability to motivate the team
  • Ownership, excellent communication skills and sense for cooperation
  • Capability to build and develop the team: pedagogical skills, methodological skills
  • Knowledge of Czech/Slovak and English language, written and spoken (French is an advantage)


  • The background of a strong international company with the opportunity to influence the business results of the company
  • Being part in a professional and human adventure that will enable you to continue to develop and grow your team and the company
  • The possibility of career growth
  • Sharing experience with the Group and experts in Client Risk Management
  • Indefinite contract with 6-month trial period
  • 5 weeks of vacation; flexible working hours; hybrid work: Office in Prague / Home office
  • Professional training to support your professional & personal development

Jiné výhody

indefinite contract, company car, other...

Požadavky na zaměstnance

Minimální požadované vzdělání: University education (Master's degree)
Zaměření, obor: finance, risk management
Pozici vyhovuje i uchazeč se vzděláním: University education (Bachelor's degree)


  • Language skills
    • Slovak - Proficiency (C2)
    • English - Proficiency (C2)
    • Czech - Proficiency (C2)
    • French - Intermediate (B1)

Osobnostní předpoklady a dovednosti

see the JD

Další nabídky práce

Práce v oboru: Management

Lokality: Praha

Zdroj nabídky: Profesiacounter pixel

Test: Na jakou práci se hodím?

Zhodnotit vlastní předpoklady pro tu kterou práci, je obtížné. Náš test osobnosti vám na několik kliků během tří minut prozradí, jaký typ osobnosti jste a pro jaké zaměstnání se hodíte.

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