Medical Representative

Nabídka pracovní pozice od 3. 9. 2024 není aktivní.

Hledaná pozice

Sales Representative, Medical/Pharmaceutical Sales Representative

Místo práce: Královéhradecký kraj, Olomoucký kraj, Moravskoslezský kraj

Druh pracovního poměru: full-time

Náplň práce, pravomoci a zodpovědnosti

Medical Representative

About Astellas:

At Astellas we are a progressive health partner, delivering value and outcomes where needed.

We pursue innovative science, focussing initially on the areas of greatest potential and then developing solutions where patient need is high, often in rare or under-served disease areas and in life-threatening or life-limiting diseases and conditions.
We work directly with patients, doctors and health care professionals on the front line to ensure patient and clinical needs are guiding our development activities at every stage.

Our global vision for Patient Centricity is to support the development of innovative health solutions through a deep understanding of the patient experience. At Astellas, Patient Centricity isn’t a buzzword - it’s a guiding principle for action. We believe all staff have a role to play in creating a patient-centric culture and integrating an awareness of the patient into our everyday working practices, regardless of our role, team or division.

We work closely with regulatory authorities and payers to find new ways to ensure access to new therapies. We deliver the latest insights and real-world evidence to inform the best decisions for patients and their care-givers, to ensure the medicines we develop continue to provide meaningful outcomes.

Beyond medicines, we support our stakeholder communities to drive initiatives that improve awareness, education, access and ultimately standards of care.

About this job:

As a Medical Representative, you'll be at the forefront of promoting our groundbreaking solutions. Dive into a role where you'll implement strategic marketing initiatives, plan engaging visits to doctors and pharmacists, and contribute to medical events that shape the future of healthcare. Elevate your career with us and be a driving force in bringing excellence to the medical community. Join us on this exciting journey!

Your main responsibilities would be:
• Implementing the marketing strategy assumptions for an effective product promotion.
• Planning and organizing visits to key healthcare professionals, including doctors and pharmacists.
• Actively participating in medical congresses, conferences, and symposia to stay informed on industry Planning and organizing various medical events to enhance product visibility and engagement.
• Analyzing territory based on market data, managing budgets, and providing detailed reports to the supervisor on daily promotional activities, incurred expenses, competition insights, and information on medicine side effects.

Jiné výhody

Additional information:
• This position is field based in the regions of North Moravia - Ostrava and surroundings, Middle Moravia - Olomouc and surroundings, East Bohemia - Hradec Kralove and surrounding sand up to 100% travel is expected in line with the role
• Permanent position

We offer:
• A challenging and diversified job in an international setting
• Opportunity and support to continuous development
• Inspiring work climate

Požadavky na zaměstnance

Minimální požadované vzdělání: University education (Master's degree)
Pozici vyhovuje i uchazeč se vzděláním: University education (Bachelor's degree), Postgraduate (Doctorate)

Osobnostní předpoklady a dovednosti
Essential Knowledge & Experience:
• Demonstrated sales experience preferably in the pharmaceutical industry.
• Proven expertise in products related to a specific therapeutic area.
• In-depth understanding of the pharmaceutical landscape.

• Relevant education or work experience

Zdroj nabídky: Profesiacounter pixel

Test: Na jakou práci se hodím?

Zhodnotit vlastní předpoklady pro tu kterou práci, je obtížné. Náš test osobnosti vám na několik kliků během tří minut prozradí, jaký typ osobnosti jste a pro jaké zaměstnání se hodíte.

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