Technical support with Dutch

Nabídka pracovní pozice od 8. 5. 2024 není aktivní.

Hledaná pozice

Customer Support Specialist, IT/Technical Support Specialist, Helpdesk Operator, Administrative Worker, Official

Místo práce:

Druh pracovního poměru: full-time

Náplň práce, pravomoci a zodpovědnosti

Brno, the Czech Republic

INFOSYS provides career opportunities and stable employment in multinational environment where YOU can get a chance to use various languages, be a part of the prominent and world-famous brands, acquire and upgrade IT skills working from the all-new office building in the center of Brno.

Your workday will just fly by as you will:

- Be assigned for one future-oriented, long-lasting and eminent client – an automobile manufacturer, an energy provider, a cosmetics company, a cell phone producer, an IT corporation, etc.
- Be responsible for a remote technical/administrative troubleshooting of the accounts, systems, applications, laptops, PCs, related equipment, networks of the employees of the client in one particular country;
- Be a coordinator and active participant in the communication via phone, emails, chats, ticketing tool (ServiceNow) with the Client, professional technicians (L2 support);
- Be a member of the international, dynamic and innovative company environment.

Why does Infosys choose you? You definitely:

- Speak and write in English and Dutch fluently;
- Handle phone calls, a necessity to reply to emails and give a useful guidance to the client;
- Perceive multitasking and problem solving as a piece of cake;
- Are a daily user of Windows, Android or iOS, Microsoft Office, etc.
- Want to be a team player rather than a lonely wolf;
- Can be punctual and relied on.

Jiné výhody

Infosys esteems you as we provide:

• Long-term and stable cooperation;
• Performance bonus;
• Relocation support: 2 weeks of initial accommodation provided by the company;
• Financial appraisal for referring your friends and acquaintances;
• Monetary compensation of the night shifts and compensation days for working at the Czech state holidays;
• Meal allowance;
• Multisport card with financial contribution from Infosys;
• Organized training sessions during the first weeks and further upskilling courses (online, with our experts);
• 25 days of a paid leave;
• Brand new offices (Vlnena street) with a game room, a silent zone, kitchenettes, a terrace in the center of Brno, 2nd largest city of the Czech Republic;
• Expat Assistance Services for new joiners;
• Teambuilding activities.

Infosys appreciates your time so the hiring process is usually concise:
Apply – Receive a respond after your CV evaluation - Get a call from our Recruiter – Arrange a video conference with our Team Leader/Manager – Get a feedback/offer – Navigate your next with Infosys.

Do you want to know more about Infosys?

Infosys in the Czech Republic provides business-to-business trans-formative services for its clients across the globe. Moreover, Infosys is one of the leaders in the next-generation consulting, technology and outsourcing solutions. From its Brno Deliver Center Infosys provides technical support to more than 30 global multinational corporations.

Why is it a wise decision to join Infosys?

Infosys gives career opportunities to people with and without solid experience who are willing to absorb and implement technological innovations on a daily basis.

Have you ever been in Brno?

Living in the Czech Republic has many advantages including affordable living, a very good infrastructure, proximity to other European capitals, as well as an interesting history and culture, and beautiful nature. Brno is a truly international city with inhabitants and visitors from all over the world and there is no requirement to speak Czech!

Požadavky na zaměstnance

Minimální požadované vzdělání: Secondary without school-leaving examination
Pozici vyhovuje i uchazeč se vzděláním: Secondary with school-leaving examination, Follow-up/Higher Professional Education, University student, University education (Bachelor's degree), University education (Master's degree), Postgraduate (Doctorate)

Požadovaná praxe

  • Pozice je vhodná pro absolventa


  • Language skills
    • English - Upper intermediate (B2)
    • Dutch - Upper intermediate (B2)

Další nabídky práce

Práce v oboru: Administrativa, IT, Zákaznická podpora


Zdroj nabídky: Profesia

Test: Na jakou práci se hodím?

Zhodnotit vlastní předpoklady pro tu kterou práci, je obtížné. Náš test osobnosti vám na několik kliků během tří minut prozradí, jaký typ osobnosti jste a pro jaké zaměstnání se hodíte.

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