Software Architecture Manager - international team and company

Nabídka pracovní pozice od 10. 5. 2024 není aktivní.

Hledaná pozice

Místo práce: Pardubice (informace o místu práce: Pardubice)

Náplň práce, pravomoci a zodpovědnosti

I am looking for a Software architecture manager who will be in charge of a 10-member team consisting of Solution Architect, IT analysts, tester and developers. Role description –The lead architect works with his team ( ADA: Architecture Design Authority Team ) to formulate a design plan that factors technology investments and risks while providing value to the company by improving business processes and eliminating unnecessary complexities. –He has the responsibility to avoid solutions that don't represent wise investments. –When solutions require external resources, equipment or other expenditures, the lead architect reviews vendor proposals to identify which promises the most value and the best return on investment. Project Execution –The lead architect plans the technical requirements to transition design into a working solution. –After he leads the design phase of a project, he participates in all remaining phases to verify that the design is installed, configured and documented correctly. –Throughout the course of implementation, he helps the project team recognize and mitigate any risks to existing business processes or to the solution's overall success. –The lead architect is also involved in training to make sure the solution will be supported and maintained appropriately after implementation is complete. Scope of work –Microservice Architecture –System Integration Architecture –S4Hana Migration ( In collaboration with SAP Architect ) –Digital Transformation Current Strategic Project List – S4Hana Migration Analysis –Warehouse Consolidation Analysis –Production Planning Consolidation Analysis –Supply Chain Management Consolidation Analysis –System Integration Architecture Analysis –Enterprise Architecture Implementation –Requests Reduction Program –Microservice Platform ( Orion ) Proof of Concept Project –Cyber Security Project ( Just awareness )

Jiné výhody

?Company car ?25 days of holiday ?Annual performance-based bonuses ?Subsidized catering in the company canteen ?Pension insurance contribution ?Discounted voice and data tariffs for employees and their families ?Discounted financial services and products at ČSOB and ERA ?Vocational education including language learning ?Contribution to Multisport program ?Corporate fitness ?Corporate events for employees and their families ?System of optional benefits called Cafeteria

Požadavky na zaměstnance

Osobnostní předpoklady a dovednosti
–We expect that you have previous experience in a similar position (hands-on with software development, implementation of software and system solutions, architecture governance and architecture modelling atc.) You think out of the box and you are not afraid of the new challenges. The ideal candidate has also experience with microservice architecture –Communicative English (B2 level is minimum)

Další nabídky práce

Práce v oboru: IT, Telekomunikace

Lokality: Pardubice

Zdroj nabídky:

Test: Na jakou práci se hodím?

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