Nabídka pracovní pozice od 4. 5. 2024 není aktivní.

Hledaná pozice

Business Group Manager, Chief Executive Officer, Finance Manager, Project Manager, Team leader

Místo práce:

Druh pracovního poměru: full-time

Termín nástupu: Q2 2017

Náplň práce, pravomoci a zodpovědnosti

Let's describe you/r position first, and the job later...

We are looking for a smart and experienced individual to lead our team of 30 young, bright and international professionals and manage 4 offices (BB, BA, Vienna, China).

This is to become No2 of the company and take over previous COO (big shoes to fill).

Your values come first - you are committed sparring partner, with proven loyalty, support and dedicated engagement, respectful to others and generous of spirit, seeing others before yourself, kind and just.

Your ambitions come before skills - you can see big picture, you can think big, you compare with the best, you are passionate about goals, you are far away from good, average or somehow (ideally, you identify with conclusions of Good to Great).

Your skills carry following features - you are intrapreneur, mobilizer, intelligent, prudent, rigorous, observant, cool headed, ethical, open, respectful, precise, analytical, tactical, inspirational, keeping promises.

Ideally, you have been COO previously, however, it is not a condition for this position. Your skills and previous experience matter more to us and should include:

- general knowledge about international business developments
- strategic planning
- people's and project management
- judgement and decision making
- critical thinking, problem solving
- risk and crisis management
- monitoring and performance assessment
- coordinations
- simplifications
- persuasion and negotiation
- management of financial resources
- system development and evaluation.

Next lines are describing you - an ideal candidate - in core areas (and within our spirit):

Team leading - you can lead and inspire, but not through a cheap handbook motivation - you have a true charisma.

Management - you get things done, efficiently, but as a one team. You manage a team as an "older brother", not as a "big brother". No top management attitude. Top management qualities and people person attitude which is married to your personality.

Finances - you have experiences with corporate finances (ideally international). You have good judgement, analytical thinking and experiences in planning, reporting. Your numbers do add up.

Business acumen and balance - you are familiar with different views and dynamics between CEO, COO, Management, Project Managers, Administration, and how to handle it with respect but success (ideally, you have read E-Myth Revisited).


- Report to the chief executive officer (CEO)
- Keep the CEO fully informed in a timely and candid manner
- Assist the CEO in achievement of a competitive position within industry
- Present new ideas and strategies to CEO and senior management officers
- Help to develop an annual plan that supports the company’s long strategy
- Design and implement business strategies, plans and procedures
- Set comprehensive goals for performance and growth
- Manage the team and company toward sustainable profit and satisfaction
- Establish and nurture policies that promote company culture and vision
- Oversee daily operations and make adjustments as necessary
- Ensure the smooth functioning of all the processes in the company
- Solve any issues that (may) arise before any problems hamper daily work
- Lead employees to encourage maximum performance and dedication
- Building a great working environment for the employees
- Evaluate performance by analyzing and interpreting data and metrics
- Create/Adjust/Check/Sign agreements with partners
- Coordinate with HR department to recruit skilled talent and keep the best employees
- Raise capital through banks or investors to help foster growth or obtain sales goals
- Participate in expansion activities (investments, acquisitions, corporate alliances etc.)
- Manage relationships with partners and suppliers

Jiné výhody


- Notebook
- Cell phone with plan
- Monthly car contribution
- Wellness contribution
- Flexible work time
- Home office (1x/week)
- International travel (4star level)
- Retirement contribution (extra)
- Profit sharing


- work in vibrant international business environment - we are from 8 nationalities and conduct business with professionals from over 40 nationalities;

- work in fine environment - we are and we work with international high level professionals from marketing and investment

- established base line - we have developed solid professional values, standards and processes to build further development on;

- work with and in a fantastic team of people - we love to hang out together, organize attractive team buildings and create an extraordinary working atmosphere;

- opportunity to travel and meet partners around the world (we've been to USA, Canada, UK, Ireland, Spain, France, Germany, Russia, Turkey, UAE, China, Australia, New Zealand and many more);

- special budget for professional development of your language, skills, career, through training and couching program;

- motivating reward structure that will not only be a promise before you are hired, but will be followed as mutually agreed;

- open google-like working atmosphere, with flexible work schedule around a mandatory core of 5 hours per day (from 10:00 to 15:00).

Požadavky na zaměstnance

Minimální požadované vzdělání: University education (Master's degree)
Pozici vyhovuje i uchazeč se vzděláním: University education (Bachelor's degree), Postgraduate (Doctorate)


  • Language skills
    • English - Advanced (C1)
  • Administrative and economic skills
    • Business correspondence - advanced
    • Human Resources - basic
    • Invoicing - basic

Řidičský průkaz

Požadovaná praxe
5 let

Osobnostní předpoklady a dovednosti
-good judgement
-attention to details
-commons sense
-business etiquette
- intercultural communication

Další nabídky práce

Práce v oboru: Management


Zdroj nabídky: Profesia

Test: Na jakou práci se hodím?

Zhodnotit vlastní předpoklady pro tu kterou práci, je obtížné. Náš test osobnosti vám na několik kliků během tří minut prozradí, jaký typ osobnosti jste a pro jaké zaměstnání se hodíte.

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