Plant Manager Slovakia

Nabídka pracovní pozice od 3. 5. 2024 není aktivní.

Hledaná pozice

Production Manager, Regional / Area Manager

Místo práce:

Druh pracovního poměru: full-time

Náplň práce, pravomoci a zodpovědnosti

Since the acquisition of the local LSP factory in 1997, there are four production units in Liptovski, Slovakia, that produce press brakes, sheet metal shears and applications, CNC turret punching machines, and hydraulic and mechanical presses. For this production site, Haco is recruiting a:


A polyvalent and entrepreneurial engineer with solid management experience

A real all-rounder
- After a thorough introduction and a handover by the current plant manager, you will be heading four production units (200 people) with a team of operations managers and a CFO.
- You have end responsibility over the plant: you follow up on all the orders and planning of the production. You are a skilled (technical) problem solver with a hands-on approach, working with your managers on the shop floor to get things done.
- Moreover you have an important strategic role to play in the reorganisation and optimisation of the production process. This implies a.o. the design and implementation of retraining programmes for new local workers, the development of multitasking within the existing structure and the efficient modernization of the machine park.
- You will build a commercial structure that can promote products that are produced onsite, with the goal to achieve closer supplier cooperation with other industries.

Jiné výhody

What’s in it for you?
- A key role within a well-known international family group with an excellent reputation. You report to the headquarters in Belgium.
- You get the chance to leave your mark (in alignment with the strategic goals). You get a lot of autonomy to manage the plant, introduce changes, formulate and achieve objectives.
- This position gives you a lot of diversity on the managerial, technical and commercial fronts. You will always be close in touch with the work floor, so your impact is tangible.
- You will experience the charm of working in a pioneer role at an outpost not far from the beautiful Tatra Mountains.
- We give you an excellent expat package or equivalent settlement.

Požadavky na zaměstnance

Minimální požadované vzdělání: University education (Master's degree)
Pozici vyhovuje i uchazeč se vzděláním: University education (Bachelor's degree)


  • Language skills
    • English - Intermediate (B1)
    • Slovak - Intermediate (B1)

Osobnostní předpoklady a dovednosti
You have a technical profile with a broad view
- You have an engineering background (preferably electro mechanics).
- You have solid management skills and a sense of diplomacy.
- You have already worked abroad (preferable). You will work near the Polish border of Slovakia with its own culture and mentality. This requires an open mind and the ability to adapt.
- You become ‘our man in Slovakia’. This is a role for managers with a passion for their job and enough spine to implement innovations and deliver results. You will have to be able to do this independently and take the lead.
- To integrate, you will need to learn some Slovak.

Další nabídky práce

Práce v oboru: Management


Zdroj nabídky: Profesia

Test: Na jakou práci se hodím?

Zhodnotit vlastní předpoklady pro tu kterou práci, je obtížné. Náš test osobnosti vám na několik kliků během tří minut prozradí, jaký typ osobnosti jste a pro jaké zaměstnání se hodíte.

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