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Nabídka pracovní pozice od 17. 4. 2024 není aktivní.

Hledaná pozice

Místo práce: Kladno (informace o místu práce: Kladno)

Náplň práce, pravomoci a zodpovědnosti

Job Profile Commodity Manager

Position overview

The Commodity Manager is responsible for defining optimal cost of ownership for the assigned commodity through negotiation market conform prices, conditions and general agreements (delivery, payment, quality) in order to allow CG to obtain the components in time at right cost and at correct place.

Duties & Responsibilities

• Acquire knowledge about the commodity market
o Have frequent contact with markets as well from manufacturer’s aspect as from distributor’s perspective
o Follow the market situation with regards to availability and cost evolution
• Selection of suppliers
o Manage and visualize data on spent per:
 Commodity
 Supplier
 Site
 Country
 Valuta
o Organize supplier audits as per agreed annual audit calendar
o Manage the vendor portfolio:
 Define the criteria for vendor classification (grow, keep or phase out)
 Optimize the # of vendors in order to obtain a perfect match between # of vendors and purchasing impact.
o Supervise that all data is inputted correctly in SAP database

• Contracting of suppliers
o Negotiations on regular base with distributors and manufacturers:
 Yearly negotiations based on budget information such as estimated yearly demand and/or historical demand
 Regular price reviews on customer projects (the timing has to be in line with the customer agreements)
 Ad hoc negotiations in case of
• New product introduction
• Request for quotations for tenders at which CG is participating
• Engineering changes and their impact on supply agreements
• Abrupt changes in conditions on the market (as needed and based on the responsibility in the domain of acquiring market information)
o Agree on logistic agreements with a focus on total cost of ownership
 Back-to-back settlements with suppliers (transfer the customer information into the supplier agreements)
 Settlements have to take the targets such as inventory-turnaround, COCA conditions, … into account

• Lead the team of dedicated commodity buyers
o Install training on the commodity
o Supervise the correct execution of the task assigned to the dedicated commodity buyer

Reporting line

The Commodity Manager reports directly to the Commodity Director.

Core Competencies

Aim actions and decisions at the actual realization of intended results. Clearly and distinctly bear one’s goals in mind. Resolutely and effectively work up to visible results.

Examine wishes and needs of the (internal or external) client / user/ customer and act accordingly. Focusing on the client without failing one’s own professional interest.

Able to combine or alternate apparently incompatible behavior depending on what the situation requires. If problems or opportunities arise, adjust personal behavior more or less radical in order to achieve a set goal.

Rely on one’s skills. Be convinced one is able to meet the required demands.

Adapt easily to changing circumstances, tasks, responsibilities and/or people.

Skill in handling conflicts; not allow conflicts to escalate. Not avoid conflicts but rather approach them as an opportunity to reach a win-win situation.

Požadavky na zaměstnance

Osobnostní předpoklady a dovednosti

• Multi language
• Managerial skills / Natural born coach
• Experience in the EMS market on the level of components for:
o Cables & harnesses
o PCB assembly
o Final assembly
• Good negations capabilities
• Juridical knowledge
• Knowledge on the different logistical processes and methodologies
• A Bachelor/University Degree or equivalent based on experience

Další nabídky práce

Práce v oboru:

Lokality: Kladno

Zdroj nabídky: Dobrá práce

Test: Na jakou práci se hodím?

Zhodnotit vlastní předpoklady pro tu kterou práci, je obtížné. Náš test osobnosti vám na několik kliků během tří minut prozradí, jaký typ osobnosti jste a pro jaké zaměstnání se hodíte.

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